Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Cooper's New Zip Code

Ok, after a million and a half inquiries of, "Do you have a blog?" I've finally decided to create one. So here it is! The Cooper Family Blog. Here you will find a bunch of stories and adventures of Aaron and Kalli and our two kids, Abi & Max. In the very least you'll be able to catch up with what we are doing in our new home in Oakdale, MN. We moved here from Salt Lake City, UT on June 3, 2009. Aaron accepted a residency position at the Minnestota Children's Hospital, and now we are having a very big family adventure. I'll do my best to post fun pictures of our days in Minnesota as well as pictures of our house. Hopefully I'll do it enough to convince you to come visit us! We welcome all friends and family and will house you here in our new place anytime you want.


  1. Hi Coopers! I love the blog and can't wait to hear about your adventures in MN.

  2. This will be fun to get to know your family a little better. Maybe I someday I will start a blog...

  3. Yay! I'm so excited to have another place to internet-stalk you!

  4. That picture is really big! :-)

  5. Can't wait to see more of Oakdale and Satan Paul! Ought to let Abi say a few words occasionally too.
